Entry #7

May 3, 2021

It’s been about a week since I’ve completed my lab report. The feedback that I’ve received from my peers and professor has been very helpful to my final lab report. The information that I found was pretty shocking. In my lab report, I focused the effects of GMOs based on the effect it has on rats, its nutritional value when compared to organic food, and whether the pesticides being sprayed on the crops are harmful to the environment. In the study with the rats, it revealed that the group that was fed only genetically modified foods grew larger tumors and died earlier than the group that ate organic foods. The difference was significant, but some scientists believe that the results are not fully reliable due to the number of rats being tested. In the second study where the nutritional value of genetically modified foods was compared to organic food, it was revealed that there was no significant difference. This is most likely because there have not been many studies comparing the two. In the last study, it was revealed that pesticides do indeed harm the environment which leads to many issues such as a reduction of pollination due to bees getting poisoned. This study was also reported as “incomplete” and therefore the results were not certain. It seems as though the true effects of genetically modified crops and pesticides are being hidden. For something that has been around for so long and is constantly talked about, there seems to be very little research on its effects.

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